The research problem
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Dr. H. Gusril Kenedi, M.Pd
Faculty of MT
State Islamic Institute (IAIN)
Imam Bonjol Padang
1432 H / 2011 AD

INTRODUCTION Assalamuilaikum wr.wbSpoken praise and gratitude to Allah SWT, who has given his grace and guidance, so it has been able to complete the task this paper well and smoothly. Prayers and greetings also not forget the spoken to the Prophet Muhammad, as uswah in life, as well as to the family, and his followers until the end of time. In the completion of this paper is not separated from the input and direction of various parties, especially the supervisor subjects research methods I namely Dr. H.Gusril Kenedi, M.Pd until the completion of this paper well. We are fully aware that this paper still much perfection keilmiahannya, it is expected to criticism and suggestions from all parties constructive, so that a better future, we thank you in advance. Wassalamualaikum wr.wb Padang, October 3, 2011 SpeakersPORKPRELIMINARYIn research issues play a major role. Without question there is no research. The problem is the soul of the study. Problems pushed to think, investigate in order to discover the meaning of something. The problem is the gap between the expectation of something that should exist in reality. For example, the gap between the number of graduates SMTA overflow with hope in the ability of college graduates accommodate it. In this paper we will describe some of the things on the subject of the research, namely:a. on the identification of the problemb. formulation of the problemc. restriction issueCHAPTER IIDISCUSSIONRESEARCH ISSUESIn research issues play a major role. Without question there is no research. The problem is the soul of the study. Problems pushed to think, investigate in order to discover the meaning of something. The problem is the gap between the expectation of something that should exist in reality. For example, the gap between the number of graduates SMTA overflow with hope in the ability of college graduates accommodate it.A. IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROBLEMTo improve the ability to see a problem that needs to be studied, it must be actively looking for a problem of resources.As for the main source of the problem is:a. ReadingA researcher must be diligent in reading, especially research journals. In general, scientific research rarely answer the problem completely. Even a study that gave certain recommendations to be further investigated.b. Seminars, discussions and scientific meetingsParticipants seminars, discussions and scientific meetings to bring the papers which solve the problem according to bidangnnya respectively. Maybe the problem that needs to be examined in terms of other sciences.c. A statement from the person who has the authorityOften the speech or statement by a senior official, such as a minister that there is a problem to be solved. Likewise, experts in the particular statement broadcast by the mass media regarding an issue. So that a researcher was intrigued to investigate. For example an education administrator in North Sumatra said that the decline of the quality of education in northern Sumatra caused the resignation of the dedication of teachers in elementary through high school. A researcher was intrigued to test the truth of that statement.d. Observations at a glanceMaybe an expert when travel agencies saw an unhealthy phenomenon that needs to be solved. To the solution should be held research first. For example, an expert from the staff BP3K, look in An overview stricken area, there are many children of school age do not attend school even though Elementary Instruction already in place.e. Personal experienceFrom a personal experience who are interested in research may arise questions that encourage her to do research. For example, a teacher after teaching for several years noticed that students from vocational schools senior who has worked at least two years following the lecture degan all managed well.f. Feeling and inspirationIn the minds of the researchers who are experienced, it may suddenly appear a question that encourages conduct research. Maybe the question that suddenly he felt when he was relaxes with his family members. For example, a researcher when casual conversation with her sons were teenagers regard their long hair. Suddenly appeared in his mind.The extent to which the younger generation like long hair? When a researcher to get a problem than one of the sources mentioned above, should he consider it necessary or can issue it thoroughly? Then there are the criteria for him to decide whether or not or whether or not he examines the problem solving.B. FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEMIn the research proposal, it should be emphasized and formulated the problem to be investigated. The assertion, may take the form of questions, can also form a declarative statement. The assertion of the problem, emphasizing the focus direction followed later in the process of an investigation. Formulation of the problem should be fairly limited in scope so as to allow a firm conclusion.Formulation of the problem is a question that will be answered by the data collection. However, there is a close connection between the problem and the formulation of the problem, because every research problem formulation should be based on issues.1. The forms of research problem formulationForm formulation of the problem can be grouped into the form of descriptive matter, comparative, associative.a. Descriptive problem formulationDescriptive problem formulation is a formulation of the problem with regard to the question of the existence of an independent variable, either at only one or a variable (variable stand-alone). So in this study the researchers did not make a comparison variable on another sample, and finding the variable relationships with other variables. Such research to the next is called a descriptive study.Examples of descriptive formulation of the problem:1) How well the performance of the Ministry of National Education2) What is the attitude of the public towards public universities incorporated3) How high is the effectiveness of school-based management policy in Indonesiab. Comparative problem formulationComparative formulation is a formulation of the problem studies comparing the presence of one or more variables in two or more different samples, or at different times. Examples of the formulation of the problem is as follows:1) Is there any difference in learning achievement between students from public and private schools? (variable research is a learning achievement on two samples, namely public and private schools)2) Are there differences in labor discipline among school teachers in the city and in the village? (One variable du sample)3) Is there a difference, learning motivation and learning outcomes among students who come from a family of teachers, private employees and vendors? (two variables three samples)c. Formulation of the problem associativeAssociative problem formulation is a formulation of research problems that are asking the relationship between two or more variables. There are three forms of relationships, namely: a symmetrical relationship, a causal relationship, and interactive / resiprocal / reciprocity.1) The symmetrical relationshipHubunga symmetrical relationship is between two or more variables that the emergence of joint. Examples of the formulation of the problem is as follows;a. Is there a relationship between the amount of ice that is sold with a number of crimes against school pupils? (The first variable is the sale of ice, and the second is a crime) this means that causes the number of crimes is not because the ice sold. Mungkkin logic is as follows when the ice sold it to the school holiday season, when many students are picnic to the tourist attractions. Because many students are picnic then there a lot of crime.b. Is there a relationship between the houses close to the train tracks premises number of children?c. Is there a relationship between the number of umbrellas sold by the number of school pupils?2) a causal relationshipThe causal relationship is a relationship that is both cause and effect. So here are the independent variables (variables that affect) and dependent (influenced), for example:a. Is there any influence of parental education on children's learning achievement?b. How much influence leadership to speed SMK graduates get a job?c. How big is the class of the pegaruh spatial learning efficiency in high school?3) interactive Relations / resiprocal / reciprocityInteractive relationship is a relationship of mutual influence. Here is not known where the independent and dependent variables, for example:a. The relationship between learning motivation and learning achievements of elementary school children in the district A. Here it can be stated motivation affect achievement but also may affect the achievement motivationb. The relationship between intelligence with wealth. Intelligence can lead to rich, so rich people can improve intelligence because nutrition is fulfilled.2. The terms of the formulation of the problema. Should be in clear languageb. Clear research objectivesc. Swivel directly without cumbersome or lengthy introduction.C. LIMITATION OF PROBLEMSIn preparing the paper the restriction is very important that the issues examined are not too broad. Limiting the problem has implications on the narrowing of the theory and variables to be studied. Restrictions problems also greatly assist researchers in formulating research instruments. In carrying out action research and formulate problems and limit problems into parts that determine the success of the study. Because action research is part of an effort to implement corrective task execution, then the problem comes from the implementation of daily tasks.Problems can also be sourced from the statement of dissatisfaction of students, student learning outcomes did not reach the expected target, unculnya undesirable conditions that do not support the implementation of the learning process conducive and ideal. The problem can also be traced to the planning, implementation and evaluation of learning. Student learning outcomes of students, teachers difficulties in developing student motivation, limited facilities, the strategy can not improve a process of active learning, and the learning atmosphere. That research leads to the core of the real problem, the researchers need to limit the problem by considering the most beneficial if diteliti.Supaya choice based problems with a thorough consideration then you should choose a subject that corresponds to the field of employment and educational backgrounds as well as their competence.Another factor to consider is the scope of the study so that is not too wide so easy to do. Sendiei problem can be solved, provided the source of the underlying theory or regulations. Another important thing to consider is the results of the research have the potential to improve the execution of the work, the data can be obtained from the execution of tasks, research can be carried out independently in accordance with the time and cost available.Criteria restrictions on the problemThere are several criteria that must exist in restrictions on the problem, you can use the measurement section below:No Restriction Criteria Compliance Issues With Score Criteria Yes No1 Problems associated with improved execution of duties2 Restrictions on the number of variables related to the alternative solution3 Limiting indicator with the most potential in solving the problem4 Limiting the population as a research object5 Limiting the venue for research6 Limiting the study sample7 Limiting the time of the study8 Limiting the cost of research9 Limiting the scope of research activities that can be done independently10 Available resources or the theory underlying the regulation of research NumberCHAPTER IIICOVERA. ConclusionThe problem is the gap between the expectation of something that should exist in reality. For example, the gap between the number of graduates SMTA overflow with hope in the ability of college graduates accommodate it. To improve the ability to see a problem that needs to be studied, it must be actively looking for a problem of resources.In the research proposal, it should be emphasized and formulated the problem to be investigated. The assertion, may take the form of questions, can also form a declarative statement. The assertion of the problem, emphasizing the focus direction followed later in the process of an investigation. Formulation of the problem should be fairly limited in scope so as to allow a firm conclusion. Formulation of the problem is a question that will be answered by the data collection. However, there is a close connection between the problem and the formulation of the problem, because every research problem formulation should be based on issues.Restrictions problems also greatly assist researchers in formulating research instruments. In carrying out action research and formulate problems and limit problems into parts that determine the success of the study.B. SuggestionsSo can we put this paper, hopefully can benefit us all. We are fully aware that this paper still far from perfection, and therefore we need a criticism and constructive suggestions from readers. For the sake of improvement for the future.BIBLIOGRAPHYMargono, educational research methodology, Jakarta: PT. Rineka copyright 2005S. Nasution, MA, Research Methods, Bandung: Jemmars, 1991Sanapiah Faisal, Education Research Methodology. Surabaya: National Enterprises, 1982Sugioyono, Education Research Methods (quantitative approach, qualitative and R & D),Bandung: CV.ALFABETA 2006

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