Arranged by :GROUP IM. Rusdi 409 272Boy Dafrimadona 409 131 409. Jamal Pentri
Yulia Amelda 409 383Supervisor :JULIANA BTR, M.Pd. Kons.ISLAMIC EDUCATION DEPARTMENT MANAGEMENT (MPI)Faculty of MTState Islamic Institute (IAIN)Imam Bonjol Padang1433 H / 2012 AD

FOREWORDPeace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings.
Alhamdulillahirabbil'alamin, all praise and gratitude to Allah entirely just., Which has provided health and the opportunity for the author to finish the writing of this paper. And salawat along with greetings for the master prophet Muhammad., He is a role model who has managed to uphold the phrase of unity on this earth until the final struggle.
The next speaker thanked Supervisor Courses Counseling Special Populations who have been offered an opportunity for speakers to complete the writing of this paper, and thanks also to all those who have helped speakers in lending books as reference and also a laptop that completed the writing of this paper started from beginning to end.
Then the speakers also feel there are still many shortcomings and weaknesses in the writing of this paper. For that speakers expect criticism and constructive suggestions from readers entirely, particularly from Supervisor in order to create the perfection of the writing of this paper.Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Padang, March 9, 2012

TABLE OF CONTENTSFOREWORDTABLE OF CONTENTSCHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………. 1CHAPTER II DISCUSSION1. Definition of Gifted Children ................................................ .... 22. Characteristics of Gifted Children ...... ... ........................................3. Identify Gifted Children ................................................ ...CHAPTER III CLOSING ………………………………………………………..1. Kesimpulan............................................................................................2. Saran......................................................................................................

BIBLIOGRAPHY, SCUPemanduan Gifted Children: A Scoping Study. (Jakarta: CVRajawali, 1982)Semiawan, Conny, , Nurturing Talent and Creativity School Students, Help for Teachers and Parents. (Jakarta: Scholastic, 1984)Sobur General Alex.Psikologi. (Bandung: Pustaka Faithful, 2003)_________ .. Children of the Future. (Bandung: Space, 1991)

PORKPRELIMINARYInteresting issue related to educational services for gifted children (gifted) which in the language of law - law referred to by learners who have the intelligence and special talents or more popular in the community with special smart (CI) and special talents (BI) is that there are multiple motivations and implementation.In a global perspective, the implementation of an accelerated program give a positive value, because it can not be denied that the global challenges and competition between nations in various aspects of life more real. So that the organization of the accelerated program is expected to be born superior human resources that can compete in the national and global scope.Basically, every individual or every child has different talents - different. The difference lies in the type of talents. Anna Pavlova for example, is very talented as a ballet dancer. Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Leonardo da Vinci, Affandi, Basuki Abdullah, S.Sudjono, Barly, and Ahmad Sadali, able to dazzle the world with painting - painting them. Rocky Marciano, Joe Louis and Muhammad Ali are some names that are now legendary for their boxing talents. Boby Fisher, Anatoly Karpov and Garry Kasparov became very famous because of their talent in the field of chess.Where it comes from their genius in each - each field it? Because talent or of nature? To answer some of these questions, our speakers from the group I would peel the discussion around the issue of talent or gifted children, with limits ranging from understanding the problem, characteristics, as well as the identification of gifted children will be discussed in the discussion section.

CHAPTER IIDISCUSSIONA. Definition of Gifted ChildrenMany terms giftedness (gifted) used in psychology as gifted, talented, genius and prodigy did not have the same definition or limitation, only has a sense of complementarity between the term with other terms.The term gifted is intended for people, students or students who have the academic skills (in general) is high, which is marked by the acquisition of IQ scores high on workmanship tests of intelligence / intelligence, while talented is the opposite, intended for people who have the ability to excel in the field of specific academic (such as mathematics, language), also in art, music, and drama. So if it is intended for the gifted general academic ability, while talented intended for two superior capabilities:· Specific academic field· Non-academic fieldTalent (aptitude) is usually defined as an innate ability which is the potential (potential ability) that still need to be developed or trained to be realized. In another reference explained that talent is a natural ability to acquire knowledge or skills, relatively can be general (minsalnya, general intellectual talent) or special (special academic talent), then a special talent called talent.Examples of talented people who can be represented by Bung Karno very good at speeches and master control of the masses. President Soekarno (EYD: Sukarno) could speak for hours without pause and without text, and strangely listeners unsaturated-saturated and remains seriously listen to him. Regarding how talented Bung Karno in speech and ability to persuade the masses can be read in the article wonders Bung Karno's speech.There are factors that determine the extent to which one's talents can be realized. Those factors are partly determined by the state of one's surroundings, such as opportunities, facilities and infrastructure available, the support and encouragement of parents, socioeconomic level of the parents, the direction of the city or place of residence, urban areas or rural areas, and so on.Law - Law on Education for Gifted Children United States said that the child - gifted children are children - children at the preschool, elementary, and secondary schools were identified as having kemamuan high, either already real and potential in the field - the field such as intellectual, creative, special abilities, leadership or the arts. [1]Gifted children according to the definition of the US Office of Education (1971), is that children - children who are identified by the people - professional people, who because of his ability is very prominent, it can provide high performance. Children - children who require differentiated educational programs and or servants beyond the reach of ordinary school program, to realize a contribution to themselves and to society. Capability - the capability, both existing and potential real, covers, general intellectual ability, specific academic ability, the ability to think creatively and productively, proficiency in one of the arts, and psychomotor ability. [2]Profit definition the US Office of Education are:1. Emphasis on the multidimensionality of the concept of gifted children;2. Stresses that the talents abilities in children could potentially have or could have become apparent.So, based on the various definitions described above, the speaker can conclude that gifted children are those who because they have superior abilities, capable of delivering high performance covering various fields; may be general or specific nature.
B. Characteristics of Gifted ChildrenMany experts have compiled a list of traits - traits of gifted children are varied, both in number and content. This does not mean that everyone has all the traits of gifted children - these traits, because every individual is unique and no two are exactly the same personality. However, there are some tendencies or traits - the same general characteristics on them. Vernon (1997) for example argues, despite the physical and motor development is definitely not a sign of mental superiority, Children - children who are gifted at - the lack of normal physical and motor development. Parker (1975) explains, the child - gifted children from childhood are more active and more attentive to its environment.Renzulli and friends - colleagues (1981), the results of the research concluded that what determines a person's talent in essence refers to three groups of traits - traits, namely: [3]1. Ability at above - averageCapability in the above - average does not mean that it must be of superior ability. The principal is the ability it has to be sufficiently offset by the creativity and responsibility of the task. In addition, the definition of general ability is a field - the field of general ability are usually measured with intelligence tests, achievement tests (achievement test), the aptitude test (aptitude test), or mental ability tests.2. CreativityCreativity is the ability to provide ideas - new ideas and apply them in problem solving. Creativity includes both traits - traits aptitude such as smoothness, suppleness (flexibility), and authenticity (originality) in thought and traits - traits (non-aptitude) such as; curiosity, pleasure ask questions, and always want to look for new experiences.3. Responsibility or binding themselves to the taskResponsibility or binding themselves to the task of pointing to the spirit and motivation to work on and complete a task, a binding themselves from within. So, instead of responsibility received from outside.Ellen Winner (1996) describes the three criteria which characterize gifted children, both of Bisang art, music or academics. [4]More advancedGifted children mature faster. They control a field earlier than their peers. From the field they are interested, they learn easily, almost without effort, compared to children in general. In many ways, children are more precocious talent because they are born with high ability.Rhythm has YourselfGifted children learn in a way that is qualitatively different from children in general. They only need minimal help from adults in learning. In many respects they reject the instructions explicitly. They also often make their own discoveries and solve problems in unique ways.The desire to Become An ExpertChildren who are gifted have the ambition to understand the areas where they have a high ability. They showed a strong interest and obsessive, as well as the interest and ability to focus. They do not need to be encouraged by parents. They will motivate themselves.R.A. Martison in his book The Identification of the Gifted and Talented (1974), detailing the gifted children as follows:· Reading at a relatively younger age.· Reading quicker and more.· Having a broad vocabulary.· Have a strong curiosity.· A widespread interest, also on the issue of "adult".· Has the initiative, can work alone.· Demonstrate authenticity (originality) in verbal expression.· Provide a good answer.· Can membeikan many ideas.· Flexible in thinking,· Open to stimulation-stimulation from the environment.· Have experience sharp.· Can concentrate for a longer time, especially for tasks or areas of interest.· Critical Thinking, also against yourself.· Happy to try new things.· Have the power of abstraction, conceptualization, and sisntesis high.· Medium to intellectual and problem-solving activities.· Fast gets relationship relations (cause and effect).· Conduct focused on the goal.· Having a strong imagination.· A lot of craze (hobby).· Having a good memory.· Not easily satisfied with his achievements.· Sensitive and using intuition (gut feeling).· Remind freedom in motion and tindakkan.C. Identification of Gifted ChildrenIn identifying giftedness child, Renzulli suggest the following ways: [5]a. Psychometric ApproachPsychometric approach is a technique that is used to conduct the assessment and measurement of psychological aspects, among others by intelligence tests, achievement test, aptitude test and special abilities that include creativity, reasoning, mechanical aptitude, the numbers - the numbers and capabilities - verbal ability. Preparation of the tool must go through trials and scrutiny, so that the validity and reliability of the device is quite steady, and used correctly, responsible by experts - that have been trained and authorized to do that.b. It - Things Seen In ProgressIdentification can be done by teachers or parents who observe and record the different developments than in general, because it is faster. In development, there is the tempo of development in accordance with the circumstances and the acceleration of maturity.Acceleration of development in those exceptional talent faster than in general, is known as the terminology precocity. This precocity covers many aspects of development, even many experts connect between precocity no physical aspects (such as height and weight) and precocity in the mental aspect.c. The appearance Covers Achievement and BehaviorObservation of the behavior of extraordinary giftedness, can be done on the expression of interest, and great attention to a particular thing or a field of study, activities, extracurricular, arts, writing, composing, and events - occurrences in the environment. This is accompanied by the desire - the desire to do or get something more than the portion in general, and to get results as well - good and height - height.d. Approach sociometryTalent identification can be done through means less formal by the social environment, the game environment, relationships, and organizations, which observe and assess the child's talents are extraordinary, and therefore can also treat them specifically, such as a place to ask, or if capacity prominent leadership, could be utilized by the environment.

CHAPTER IIICOVERA. ConclusionBased on the above discussion regarding the topic of gifted children, it can be some essence of which is as follows:a. Definition of Gifted ChildrenFrom some of the gifted child, it can be concluded simply, that gifted children are those who because they have superior abilities, capable of delivering high performance covering various fields; may be general or specific nature.b. Characteristics of Gifted ChildrenRenzulli concluded that what determines a person's talent in essence refers to three groups of traits - traits, namely:a) The ability in the above - averageb) Creativityc) The responsibility or binding themselves to the taskEllen Winner describe the three criteria which characterize gifted children ie, both from the fields of art, music or academic.c. Identification of Gifted ChildrenIn identifying giftedness child, Renzulli suggest the following ways:a) Psychometric Approachb) It - Things Seen In Progressc) Appearance The Covers Achievement and Behaviord) Approach sociometryB. SuggestionsSo can we put this paper, hopefully can benefit us all. We are fully aware that this paper still far from perfection, and therefore we need a criticism and constructive suggestions from readers. For the sake of improvement for the future.
[1] Sobur, Alex. Future child. (Bandung: Space, 1991). h.62[2] Munandar, SCUPemanduan Gifted Children: A Scoping Study. (Jakarta: CVRajawali, 1982). h.182[3] Semiawan, Conny, et al., Nurturing Talent and Creativity School Students, Help for Teachers and Parents. (Jakarta: Scholastic, 1984). h.6-7[4] zz1ofLpWacN[5] General Alex.Psikologi Sobur. (Bandung: Pustaka Faithful, 2003) .h.182
So this article may be useful amin .......

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