
Intelligence Test


Group IV

Arranged by:

Group VIII
M. Rusdi 409. 272
Jamal Pentri 409 131
Tatyana Netri Harikusumo 409. 190
Zeni Mardesnita 409. 223
Fauziana 409. 276

Dr. Daharnis, M. Pd Kons
Juliana Coal, M. Pd Kons

ISLAMIC EDUCATION DEPARTMENT MANAGEMENT (MPI)Faculty of MTState Islamic Institute (IAIN)Imam Bonjol PadangT.A 2012 AD / 1433 HFOREWORD


Assalamuilaikum wr.wbSpoken praise and gratitude to Allah, who has given his grace and guidance, so that the author has been able to complete this paper well and smoothly. Prayers and greetings also not forget the spoken to the Prophet Muhammad, as Uswah in life, also for the family, and his followers until the end of time.In the completion of this paper is inseparable from the support and guidance of various parties, especially the team supervisor Instruments BK II subjects namely Mr. Dr.Daharnis, M. Pd Kons and Ibuk Juliana Coal, M. Pd Kons, until the completion of this paper well. It also said thanks to fellow friend and all those who contribute to the publication of this paper.We are fully aware that this paper is far keilmiahannya criteria, it is expected to criticism and suggestions from all parties constructive, so that future better yet, before say thank you. Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhPadang, May 24, 2012


TABLE OF CONTENTSFOREWORDTABLE OF CONTENTSCHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ………………………… .............CHAPTER II DISCUSSION…………………………... .............A. How to Use and Communicate ResultsIntelligence tests for Nine Types of Services (Satlan) ........CHAPTER III CLOSINGA. Conclusion………………………………….........................B. Suggestions ........................... .............................................BIBLIOGRAPHYPORKPRELIMINARYImplementation of intelligence tests provide some requirements that must be met to ensure the implementation of the results of a test that is reliable and valid. The use of intelligence tests in guidance counseling services not only involves counselors as implementation guidance counseling activities, but also others who are also involved in the implementation of education in schools.Counseling activity has its own characteristics when compared to other guidance activities, and in practice no one uses the test results to initiate a process of counseling. The results of intelligence tests can be used as a diagnosis. The test results do not necessarily need to be submitted in the process of counseling, but the counselor and counselee require a comprehensive picture of himself a counselee. Using the results of intelligence tests, the counselor can diagnose counselee related developments during and after the counseling process takes place. In addition, the results of intelligence tests can be used as supporting data. If the tests are used not only test or intelligence tests, the results of intelligence tests can be used to support data have been obtained and the necessary counseling.To discuss about integensi test this, the authors focus on how to use and communicate the results of intelligence tests for nine types of services in guidance and counseling services in the form of units (satlan). Topics on the reader will find in Chapter II of the discussion. Hopefully bermamfaat.

CHAPTER IIDISCUSSIONA. How to Use and Communicate the Intelligence Test Results for the Nine Types of Services (Satlan)Using intelligence tests in guidance and counseling services not only involves counselors as implementation guidance counseling activities, but also others who are also involved in the implementation of education in schools. The test results obtained intelligence that can be used by various parties in schools, namely:a) Schools, intelligence tests can be used to screen prospective students who will be accepted or to place students in certain majors, and also identify students who have above-normal IQ.b) Teachers, intelligence tests can be used to diagnose learning difficulties and grouping students with similar capabilities.c) counselor, intelligence tests can be used to make the diagnosis of students, to predict the outcome of future students, as well as the media to start the counseling process.d) Students, intelligence tests can be used to recognize and understand themselves better, and knowing his ability.In communicating the test results must be written testi identity completely and clearly, the type of test used must also be mentioned, including the date of testing. This is because the IQ scores obtained from a test is almost never the same from one test to another test. Communicating the value of IQ, be it high or low, would carry the risk of each of the inclusion of the IQ score. Inclusion of lower IQ scores will carry a greater risk when compared with the inclusion nilah high IQ.In communicating, the value of a high IQ is more reliable when compared with the value of IQ is low, since the value of low IQ can mean all kinds, such as lack of confidence, lack of motivation, no interest in taking the test, and so, therefore, need to be considered for use other tests. The last thing related to reporting the results of the test is to report the results of such tests must be signed with the date of making the report.1. Service OrientationOreintasi services, ie services that help students understand the new environment, especially school / madrasah and objects to learn, to adapt and simplify and streamline the role of students in the new environment.How to use and communicate the intelligence tests at service orientation: In communicating the test results must be written testi identity completely and clearly, the type of test used must also be mentioned, including the date of testing. In the manufacture satlan same information services to the above, a teacher bk will use intelligence tests based on the type of test that is used in accordance with the purpose of information services. Communicate the results of intelligence tests can be performed in a classical format, group and others.2. Information ServicesInformation Service, a service that helps students receive and understand the information themselves, social, belajr, career / job title, continuing education.How to use and communicate intelligence tests on the service information: In communicating the test results must be written testi identity completely and clearly, the type of test used must also be mentioned, including the date of testing. In the manufacture satlan same information services to the above, a teacher bk will use intelligence tests based on the type of test that is used in accordance with the purpose of information services. Communicate the results of intelligence tests can be performed in a classical format, group, pitch and others.3. Placement and Distribution ServicesPlacement and distribution services, services that help students acquire and penyaluranyang proper placement in class, study groups, departments / study programs, exercise programs, internships and extracurricular activities.How to use and communicate intelligence tests on placement and distribution: In communicating the test results must be written testi identity completely and clearly, the type of test used must also be mentioned, including the date of testing. In the manufacture of placement and distribution services satlan same with the above, a teacher bk will use intelligence tests based on the type of test that is used in accordance with the purpose of placement and distribution services. Communicate the results of intelligence tests can be performed in a classical format, group, indidual and others.4. Content Mastery ServicesMastery of content services, ie services that help students master specific content, especially the competence and or habits that are useful in life at school, family and mamasyarakanHow to use and communicate intelligence tests at service mastery of content: In communicating the test results must be written testi identity completely and clearly, the type of test used must also be mentioned, including the date of testing. In the manufacture of mastering service satlan same content with the above, a teacher bk will use intelligence tests based on the type of test that is used in accordance with the purpose of control of content services. Communicate the results of intelligence tests can be performed in a classical format, groups, individuals and others.5. Individual Counseling ServicesIndividual counseling services, ie services that assist students in solving personal problems.How to use and communicate intelligence tests on individual counseling services: In communicating the test results must be written testi identity completely and clearly, the type of test used must also be mentioned, including the date of testing. In the manufacture of individual counseling services satlan same with the above, a teacher bk will use intelligence tests based on the type of test that is used in accordance with the purpose of individual counseling services. Communicate the results of intelligence tests can be done in the format of a classical individual, group, political and others6. Guidance Services GroupGuidance services group, which is a service that helps students in personal development, the ability of social relationships, learning, career / job title, and decision making, as well as perform certain activities through group dynamics.How to use and communicate intelligence tests in group counseling services: In communicating the test results must be written testi identity completely and clearly, the type of test used must also be mentioned, including the date of testing. Satlan manufacture of guidance services in the same group with the above, a teacher bk will use intelligence tests based on the type of test that is used in accordance with the purpose of group counseling services. Communicate the results of intelligence tests can be performed in a classical format, group and others.7. Counseling Services GroupLayana group counseling, a service that helps students in the discussion and alleviate personal problems through group dynamics;How to use and communicate intelligence tests in group counseling services: In communicating the test results must be written testi identity completely and clearly, the type of test used must also be mentioned, including the date of testing. In the manufacture satlan same group counseling services to the above, a teacher bk will use intelligence tests based on the type of test that is used in accordance with the purpose of group counseling services. Communicate the results of intelligence tests can be performed in a classical format, group and others8. Consulting ServicesConsulting services, namely services that help students and or other parties in gaining insight, understanding and ways need to be implemented in handling condition or problem students.How to use and communicate intelligence tests on consulting services: In communicating the test results must be written testi identity completely and clearly, the type of test used must also be mentioned, including the date of testing. In the manufacture of the same satlan consulting services to the above, a teacher bk will use intelligence tests based on the type of test that is used in accordance with the purpose of consulting services. Communicate the results of intelligence tests can be done in the format of the individual, traditional, group, political and others9. Mediation ServicesMeditation service, a service that helps students solve problems and improve student-student relationships.How to use and communicate intelligence tests in mediation services: In communicating the test results must be written testi identity completely and clearly, the type of test used must also be mentioned, including the date of testing. In the manufacture of the same satlan mediation service also to the above, a teacher bk will use intelligence tests based on the type of test that is used in accordance with the purpose of mediation services. Communicate the results of intelligence tests can be done in the format of the individual, traditional, group and others.

CHAPTER IIICOVERA. ConclusionFrom the above discussion papers relating to how to use and communicate the results of tests integensi for nine types of services or Saltan in guidance and counseling, it can be concluded as follows:Using intelligence tests in guidance and counseling services not only involves counselors as implementation guidance counseling activities, but also others who are also involved in the implementation of education in schools, the principals, teachers, counselors and students.In communicating the test results must be written testi identity completely and clearly, the type of test used must also be mentioned, including the date of testing.B. SuggestionsDemikialah this paper made with as they should, but can not be separated from the advice and constructive criticism of pemabaca dear to the improvement of these scholarly papers in the future. We hope the big, hopefully this paper bermamfaat for us all. Ameen

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